Sunday, 31 August 2008

Aye Aye Skipper!

Pt 3
30 - 31 08 08

Having spent the last week in Bristol (which allowed the opportunity to see some boats, not least of which was the recreation of John Cabot's ship The Matthew) I'm back for more boat building.
Completed fitting of internal planking and applied two more coats of white acrylic to inner and outer hull. Just before I went away had time to construct the centre board housing which will also get a coat of paint before fixing. Next stage is to cut the many frame heads and fit them between the riser and gunwale along each side of the upper internal hull then add the thwarts (on which the oarsmen would sit) Ah!, first need to fit two small sections of decking that come as individual laser cut parts...

...grrrrrrrrrrr! All very fiddly. Have some lunch and think about it.

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